WOW Tuesday, December 16, 2003 8:54 p.m.
First I would like to say that the season was sooooo awesome. I never seen so many young kids with the passion for the game. Scott Lipovac is an out standing QB. He always finds a way to torch a defense whether it's by pass or ground attack finding the open recievers in Jeff, Alex,Chris and Jimmy. Shawnn Lampson the Deisal pounds and pounds away for yards. I take my hat off to Shawnn because he encouraged me to play football. I never played football with a group of guys that was comitted to each other game in and game out. This season gave me great confidence heading into next season. I just wanted to wish the seniors that are leaving good luck with what ever it is your going to do.
From: Piper Player
Piper Mom Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:09 p.m.
LAST MINUTE SHOPPING GIFT ! - A lady friend of mine was telling me a couple of weeks ago that she had recently asked her son, (an elementary aged student and a big football fan,) what he wanted for Christmas. She and her husband expected him to say a Priest Holmes jersey or a Trent Green jersey. Instead she said her son said he wanted a PIPER football jersey and either #7 or #10. She said she had asked around and found that no one sells Piper football jerseys. However, my husband said he found on the internet today a web site that sells Kansas high school football jerseys and mini helmets. He said he was upset because DeSoto, Bishop Ward, Eudora, and other area schools were listed as being available BUT not Piper. To Coach Tatro or any other coach or administrator that will read this, can you please check into this so fans can purchase Piper jerseys, helmets, etc. The website address is
From: Piper
Piper Parent Tuesday, December 23, 2003 11:32 a.m.
I'm replying to the 2 previous messages. Tatro gave out a handout with season stats to players and parents at the end ot the season. Piper's rushing total against Tonganoxie was for only 17 yards! That's a total of 17 yards for the ENTIRE game! This should be proof to ALL players that you better get in to the weight room and get stronger for next season. And yes, I also agree that if last year's linemen would have spent more time in the weight room during last winter and spring we would have went farther in the playoffs. To "a returning lineman" - work on your spelling and don't attempt to single out parents with your messages, focus your attention on singling out your teammates. All parents are behind the football team. We all want our sons and the team to be the best. The players need to spend their attention in the weight room (and working on their spelling).
From: Piper
Parent Tuesday, December 23, 2003 4:57 p.m.
At a recent Piper basketball game I heard that we could be losing 2 of our football coaches. I hope that this is not true. Does anyone have any information on this? I hope Piper will try and keep all its football coaches.
From: Piper
Fan Thursday, December 25, 2003 10:15 a.m.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to ALL Pirate players, coaches, parents, fans, and community members. Even now looking back at this season and all the great memories that we enjoyed, we know we have a lot to be thankful for. Here's wishing everyone will have a great 2004!
From: PiperNation, Home of the Pirates
Piper Relative Saturday, January 10, 2004 9:25 p.m.
Could someone please just list the names of players that made the All Kansan team for those of us that can't get the newspaper? I don't want to ask my nephew if he didn't make it.
Thank you.
Keep up the good work next year Pirates!
From: Out of the Area
#2 fan Saturday, January 10, 2004 10:18 p.m.
The all-kansan team is posted on the first page of this site. Players that made it were -First Team
Jeff Juliano, Shawnn Lampson, Matt Mosier, Mike Simmons, Scott Lipovac, Jeff Hamilton, Alex Angelotti,
TJ Dorian, Shawnn Lampson, Matt Mosier. on the second team Mitch Myer, Chris Shannon, Ryan Moore,
Josh Willie, and Aaron Dulaney.
From: piper,ks
Piper Mom Sunday, January 11, 2004 12:02 p.m.
I came across an article and thought it was worth sharing.
"10 Rules for Real Life that kids won't learn in School". 1. Life is not fair. Get used to it. The average kid uses this phrase numerous times everyday. 2. The real world won't care as much about your self-esteem as much as your parents and school do. This may eventually come as a shock to you. 3. Sorry, you may not make $50,000 a year right out of high school. And you won't be the vice president or have a company luxury car and get to make your own hours. You may even have to wear a uniform that doesn't have a designer label. 4. If you think your parents and teachers are tough wait till you get a boss. 5. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a word for this, they called it "opportunity". 6. It's not your parents fault if you "mess up". You're responsible. This is the flip side of "It's MY life" and "YOU'RE not my boss". 7. Before you were born, your parents WERE NOT "boring". They got that way from paying your bills and listening to you. 8. Life is not divided into semesters. And you don't get summers off. Not even spring breaks. You are expected to show up everyday for 8 hours. And you don't get a new life every 18 weeks. 9. Smoking and drinking DOES NOT make you look cool. Watch an 11 yeard old with a cigarette in their mouth and with a can of beer in their hand. This is what YOU look like to anyone over the age of 22. 10. Your school may be "outcome based" but life isn't. In some schools, you may be given as many times as you want to get the answer right. Standards may sometimes be set so low so that everyone can meet them. This of course bears not the slighest resemblance to anything in real life - as you WILL find out. ... Good Luck you are going to need it and the harder you work the "luckier" you will get." Just thought that was worth sharing. Everyone have a great 2004.
From: piper
Old Pirate Tuesday, January 13, 2004 10:45 a.m.
The above message about the rules for life was really good and all too true.
There is one thing that young people can start learning now that will help in many of these lessons and may make them easier to cope with .... HARD WORK. Hard work never hurt anybody and most times either will help in getting the job done better and maybe faster but it will also give you pride in knowing you worked your butt off and you can see the results. Since this is a football website take this hard work note and apply it to your position on the team. Work now for the future. Start preparing now for next year. Lift, run, read and learn. Work HARD now and reap the benefits of your labors next season.
It really does work.
piper fan Tuesday, January 13, 2004 11:33 a.m.
Although football season is over, it appears many people still visit our football website. Reading the last 2 messages was very enjoyable especially since there is no football news to report at this time of year. Maybe other parents, fans, and especially players, can submit their most memorable quotes, stories, statements that they heard from their coaches, teachers, parents, role models, that really made a difference in their lives. These would be enjoyable to read. I, for one, truly believe that attitude makes the biggest difference in anything that you do in life. Not only will our players benefit by establishing the core beliefs of developing their attitude, everyone that reads these may also benefit.
Parent Friday, January 23, 2004 9:05 p.m.
There are many fans that don't have a son on the team but have shown a lot of support to the football team this past year. There was a lot of cheering going on by adult fans that didn't have boys on the team. These fans just want to see good seasons ( or even better seasons) continue at Piper.
parent of underclassman Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:03 p.m.
I, along with others would also be curious to hear the latest on where are senior players may be going. My son is on the team but not real close to the seniors. So he is kind of "out of the loop" from hearing the most reason info. BUT .... from what I hear ... Scott Lipovac has been offered to walk on at KU and some D-1 school on the east coast. Sounds like he also received a lot of interest from many other schools all over. ......The last I heard on Shawn Lampson was that he might be going to a D2 school in Minnesota or Fort Hays State along with other possible schools in KS (I would imagine quite a few). I heard Hamilton visited Wahburn in Topeka. ......Mosier had interest from KU and KState and various other schools nearby. I heard quite awhile ago that Jeff Juliano had visited several colleges nearby -- Mid America nazarene, Avila, maybe Emporia state among others. Aaron Dulaney was considering Baker U. Haven't heard much on Mitch Myer, Mike Simmons, and Ryan Moore. These are just the rumors that I've heard from my son and other parents around Piper activities. I may be completely wrong or maybe this is just old news to most people. Maybe if someone else knows more or newer or more accurate info. such as a player or Coach T. they could post us a more accurate message. Looking forward to '04 piper season.
From: Piper
piper Monday, February 2, 2004 7:43 p.m.
I heard that shawnn visited and liked the minnesota school but I also heard that he and scott lipovac were going go to Ft. Scott Community. Matt Mosier has told people he is going to attend Butler County and Ryan Moore is attending Highland County. Mike Simmons might be going to Butler County. Juliano has visited many school like said in the previous message. Mitch Myer is going to attend KSU for enginering school. Mr. Hamilton is undecided. But if there are any commitments or changes or i was wrong on anything then please correct me i was just going on what i heard. good luck to the future pirates and Seniors you are the best core of football players to ever come through Piper High School. You left a huge indention and set the standards We as a commnunity Love you and will miss watching you on the field.
Pirate Fan Saturday, February 7, 2004 3:49 p.m.
Congratuations to Scott Lipovac and Matt Mosier on their signings with colleges this week. I know all Piper fans will continue to follow them in college. I think several people that I've talked with assumed that other seniors would have signed also. Any news on other seniors or are these the only two that will be playing college football? Does anyone else know?
From: Piper
Parent Sunday, February 8, 2004 10:39 a.m.
I heard Lampson will be deciding soon between a school in MN and Ft. Scott. Not sure about Juliano or Hamilton. They should be playing somewhere. Anyone else have info.?
No. 1 Fan Thursday, February 12, 2004 7:07 a.m.
Any recruiting news? Any rumors on any other seniors going to play at the next level? Any news on Lampson, Julieano, Simmons, Hamilton, Myer, Delaney ????????????? Players or Coach Tatro please keep the fans updated. Thanks.
From: PiperNation
Shawnn Thursday, February 12, 2004 3:04 p.m.
Scott and I are both going to Fort Scott, Ryan Moore is going to highland, Mike simmons might go to highland as well, Matt Mosier is going to Butler, Jelly Trunks aka Jeff Juliano is going to William Jewell, Jeff Hamilton has it narrowed down to Bethel, Highland,and Fort Scott, or he might just go to school with Dulaney at Washburn, Mitch Myer is planning on just going to school at K-state, and I think thats about everybody.
From: Piper
Jeff Juiliano Tuesday, February 17, 2004 8:51 a.m.
I actually have not decided where I am going yet, although Shawnn seems to think I have. I have it narrowed down to a few schools, and I'm still waiting for other offers. The top choices as of now are William Jewell, Baker, Southwestern, and Bethel.
fan Saturday, February 21, 2004 12:31 p.m.
I haven't been on this site for quite awhile... but I also want to congratulate Scott, Shawnn, and Matt Mossier on their signings with colleges. I know I will continue to hear great things about these 3 players. I heard at a basketball game that we may be losing a couple of our coaches. I hope this is not true. I know how much these coaches meant to our turn-around the last 2 years. If there is any other Piper football news that any other player, coach, parent, or fan knows about please keep us informed.
From: Piper nation
Coach Tatro Friday, February 27, 2004 12:23 a.m.
As of right now no other players have signed with a school but several are still looking at several schools. No move ins yet, but the players that we have coming back can step up to the challage of keeping piper football on top. The coaching staff for next is still the same as last year. We are working to get the same staff back next year. I was chosen to be the Head Coach of this years Metro Classic the annual all star game between Kansas and Missouri schools in the Metro area. This is a great honor and we will have some Piper seniors on that team. The team is usually dominated by Johson county 5a and 6a players but we will have some Kaw valley players on the team this year. Coach Lipovac will be the O coordinator and Coach Troy Morris Blue Valley North's head coach will be my D coordinator. I hope to have one more of our assistants on the staff. The staff is not finished yet as the GKCFBCA picks the rest of the staff after I get the coordinators. The team will be announced in about a month. The game is set for early June.
Coach Tatro Friday, February 27, 2004 12:30 a.m.
We have just started our spring fund raiser selling the players pass. We sold many of them last year and hope to do as well this year. We also have 7 on 7 coming up soon as well as spring and summer lifting. I also hope to take the team to a team camp this summer. Money we raise from our fundraiser will help play for this. Buy a Players Pass and support the team. Thirty dollars but save hundreds on golf this year.
Go Pirates
Piper parent Saturday, February 28, 2004 11:01 a.m.
Thanks to Coach tatro for giving an update on what's happening within our football program.
For those of you who still get on this website to read messages like I do, it was interesting for me to go back to the Guestbook to read the 2002 season messages. It was fun to read how far we have come. Check out the 2002 messages!
From: piper
Coach Tatro Saturday, March 6, 2004 5:37 a.m.
I would like to encourage all fans and parents of Piper Football to go to the BOE meeting Tuesday March 9 at 6:30 at the HS to speak at the public forum. The issue is new bleachers on the vistors side so we can have enough seats to host a Regional and higher games in the future. We currentily only have enough seats to host Bi-district. We would have to play away from home in the other rounds. Also seats on the visitor side are needed to improve crowd control. Next year we play Ward at home. We are asking for trouble seating Ward and Piper fans side by side. Please show up and voice your support Tuesday night.
Piper parent Saturday, March 6, 2004 7:03 a.m.
Coach Tatro is right. Everyone SHOULD GO to the board meeting next week....YES EVERYONE. The community MUST TELL the board how they feel. The piper football team has been the pride of our community for the past two years. From fall 2002 to now, almost every piper resident knows how good our football team has been. We had Piper fans at our games, that didn't have a son on the team, but really liked watching our Pirates. The past two seasons have been very exciting.
Ask any of the fans who watched some of our games the past two years - "What have been the some of the most exciting games that they have watched the past 2 seasons - PRO, COLLEGE, HIGH SCHOOL?" What person can say that IMMAC -'02, MillValley '03, and Tonganoxie '03 haven't been as exciting as ANY game that has been on TV on Saturdays and Sundays !
Piper senior student / fan Sunday, March 21, 2004 11:57 a.m.
I just read the last message posted. It's too bad that there isn't more dedicated football players working out for next fall. The 2 most dedicated football players at Piper are seniors that are leaving Piper - Scott and Shawnn. It sounds like they are working out everyday. Not only is the football team going to miss them on Friday nights ...they will also miss their leadership and examples that they set. I'm sure that any younger player would be able to work out with them if they talked to them.
Fan of the pirates Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:15 p.m.
Hey Coach T, What's new in the program? Has Juliano, Hamilton, and Simmons signed with any colleges? Any news on our stadium improvements? Any news on next year's team? Any new players moving in? anyone leaving? Please keep us updated. Thanks.
From: piper
Piper Fan #2 Monday, March 29, 2004 3:42 p.m.
I agree with piper fan #1, every player needs to find a time and a place to be lifting. There are No excuses !!!!!! That's got to be a priority of every player if the football team is going to be good this year. Players - it's your responsibility to lift. Piper fans are looking forward to another great season that starts in just over 4 months. If players aren't lifting we won't win. That's not very complicated to figure out. It's not rocket science. Players you need to find a place and a time to lift. Lift at home, at school, at the YMCA, but lift somewhere. The piper community got really excited about football the past 2 years. Let's continue to get better.
From: piper area
e-mail: Go Piper
Former Pirate Monday, March 29, 2004 8:17 p.m.
I agree with both Pirate Fans. There is absolutely no reason not to be lifting right now, and anyone who isnt in the weight room yet needs to be tomorrow. With only four months left until the season, they are running out of time. Piper does have a crappy weight room but you can still get a good work out. I'm worried about the kids that when I go in there have no idea what they are doing and are lifting horriable lifting programs. We need someone to sit down with freshmen and sophmore and go over the forms of each lift. It doesnt matter if you can squat lbs if your not doing it right. Form is more important then how much weight your doing. When I spoke of improving our weight room, I meant like in the next several years. So in five years we can Piper being a dominant team in 4a football. I only meant that with a bigger and better weight room would bring more strength lifting classes. Back to lifting, its great to lift all summer and get all strong but I personally think kids are waisting their time. This next year the coaching staff needs to come up with a plan. Players have to be lifting all through football. I used to get so strong and then I'd lose all my strength during the season and come playoff time, I would be realy weak again. Thats my biggest regret of lifting in highschool. Players should never stop lifting, somehow we need to make it a requirement for football players to liftin a lifting class during the fall. Lifting is the key to winning. But I guess just getting them in the weight room is somewhere to start for now.
Piper Parent Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:04 a.m.
We have been very lucky to have the type of coaches that we had the past two years. And I do know that Coach Tatro has been promoting weight lifting. To your statement "but do they promote the importance of the training and conditioning to the kids on a regular basis?" Please give the coaches some credit. Don't you think that they are aware of the importance of weight lifting for the Piper players? The other coaches don't work at Piper so they don't see the players during the school day. It's really too bad that we don't have more coaches teaching at the high school in all the sports. To the statement about bringing the kids together and talking to them about weight lifting, I believe there is a rule that only allows a coach to have a formal meeting with the players only once in the spring. I agree at one time in some schools weight lifting may have said to be "almost mandatory" in some schools but I seriously doubt what "mandatory" means. If a player doesn't lift do you tell him that he can't go out for a sport? In society now that would surely bring a lawsuit. But as far as the players they KNOW they should be lifting. It's not a secret. What next year's team will really miss is the leadership from some of our graduating seniors. Shawnn, Scott, and Jeff will be hard to replace. Coach T and the assistants have worked hard at building our program but it still takes time. Yes all players should be lifting either at home, at school, or the YMCA. Just as long as they are lifting somewhere. We as parents and community members can do our part to keep encouraging players to lift and continue to give support to the team. Go Pirates!
From: KCK
all-star Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:16 p.m.
Jeff Juiliano is going to Baker University.
piper parent Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:02 a.m.
Whoever "all-star" is, is this accurate information about Juliano going to Baker Univ. I heard he was going to William Jewell. Anyone hear about Hamilton's plans? or Simmons, or Dulaney's?
From: piper
Jeff Juiliano Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:07 p.m.
I'm signing with Baker tomorrow Thursday April 1 at 10:00. Hamilton is planning on going to Washburn and Simmons may be signing with Independence Community College tonight.
Coach Tatro Saturday, April 3. 2004 8:24 p.m.
I really argree with the statements posted recentily on this site. We do need to have a better weight room and a better weight program. I have proposed to the pricipal the creation of a district wide fittness coordinator who would instruct athlete's in the entire district in weight training and condidtioning. I think that Ray Lipovac or Brock Hartshorn would be ideal in this spot. We could then have the type of weight program that the top class 4a school's have. We have the resourses but I am very frustrated because no one in the decsioning making postion will listen to me. I feel our staff has worked very hard to build an outstanding program but we get no support from anyone. I hope by writing this letter that some of you will raise your voices. I do not have the power to make these changes but you the patrons of the district can. The Monday after the Baldwin game I presented a list of things that would take us to the state championship. 1. Improve the weight room, spend some money, we could make it a great place for less than $10,000. We spent more than that on the handicap seating at the stadium. 2. Hire a fitness teacher to run the new weight room. Also to run the strenght program. I would do this but I am social studies teacher and not certified in PE. 3. Level the practice field, plant some grass and water it. Someone will be hurt badly on what is the worst practice field that I have ever seen. 4. Bleachers for the visitors side so we can hold later round playoff games. 5. Add another coach so we have 3 on defense and 3 on offense, I have some great cadidates for that job that would love to coach for us, both are former head coaches. 5 months after making these proposals and nothing has been done on these issues. I can not understand why I can't get anyone to listen to me. If you want to see these changes make some phone calls. I can't do this by myself.
I need you help
Coach Tatro
Piper parent Monday, April 5, 2004 11:23 a.m.
I agree with Coach Tatro; everyone who cares about Piper football needs to start calling the piper administrators and voice their opinion to start putting some money into the football program. The coaching staff have brought football at Piper a long ways in the past 2 years but there is still a long way to go. Everyone who cares needs to start calling or writing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Superintendent John Chapman's number is 721-2088. His school address is Piper District Office 12036 Leavenworth Rd. Kansas City, KS 66109 Dr. Runnebaum's number is 721-2100. Judy Naylor's number is also 721-2100. The high school address is 4400 North 107th St. Kansas City, KS 66109. You can either call and voice your concerns about why the district has not been doing anything to help the football program or just do nothing and then sit in the stands in the fall and wonder what happened to our football program.
From: piper
e-mail: support Piper football
parent Monday, April 5, 2004 6:11 p.m.
We need a meeting for all football parents and fans to get organized and then go to the administrators with our needs for the football team. If there are any parents that want to take the lead please post your name and number here. Or if you're interested as a group in a meeting let's all call Coach T. and let him take the lead to get the parent and fan group organized for a meeting at school. After the meeting we could request a meeting with the board or a special mtg. with Piper administrators about the needs for the football program. Let's get this going! Coach Tatro's number at school is 721-2100. I agree with the earlier parent message. I don't want to be at a game in the middle of the fall when we could have several losses and then think "We should have done something earlier".
Coach Hall Tuesday, April 6, 2004 9:25 a.m.
I would have to agree with Coach Tatro in terms of not getting real good answers about improving our programs. Our basketball team this spring received and invitation from Metro Sports to play in the HyVee Shootout next basketball season. This is a huge honor where some of the best teams from Kansas play the best from Missouri. They give your basketall program money for playing, all kids receive a shirt, and the basketball team plays on Metro Sports. What an honor. Only problem is our adminstration couldn't make it happen. It is frustrating. We cannot even host a sub-state in basketball because our gym doesn't seat enough people. During the colder months our kids practice in the gym with sweatshirts on because it is so cold. Been like that for 5 years and nothing has been done to fix the problem. It seems like some of the same answers I get when we try to improve the facilities for our players.
This idea for the weight room upgrades would benefit all programs and all athletes. Coach Tatro is right about needing the patrons to voice their opinions and concerns with phone calls and letters.
Parent Tuesday, April 6, 2004 11:55 a.m.
Thanks Coach Hall for your message! Yes, everyone is aware that these problems are happening in basketball also. Something very definitely needs to be done ASAP! The football and the basketball teams are the focus of the piper community. Why isn't our school district supporting these programs as they should? I don't think they are giving even minimal support! I don't want to head up the meeting but I want to be an active participant.
Let's start suggesting names of who might be good representatives to get this thing going. I suggest Mr. Hargis might be a good person to start with. Everyone who reads these messages - parents, fans, students - need to pass the word about a organizational meeting first then we approach Piper administrators with our needs. Let's get the word out. Call Coach Tatro at school at 721-2100.
From: Piper
e-mail: go pirates!
pirate fan Thursday, April 8, 2004 5:29 p.m.
During the past two years the football team has been the best thing to happen to Piper High School. I would think that we should be trying to make it even better!
From: kansas city Piper
Piper Football Parent Friday, April 9, 2004 9:25 a.m.
Ok, I've been checking the guestbook several times now in the past several days and have read about a meeting that is supposed to be taking place to help our football team get more things for the fooball program. I still haven't seen any definite information for this meeting, time, place for this meeting or a parent to contact. Is there actually going to be a meeting or is this just a way to get parents who really care about improvement interested and then nothing is done? Could Mr. Tatro or someone please leave an updated message so we will know. Thanks.
Coach Tatro Friday, April 9, 2004 7:53 p.m.
I want thank everyone for your reponse to my letter. I am glad that you care about Piper Football as much as the coaches do. We want this team to go even farther in the play-offs than we have the last two seasons and those things I have mentioned are what I think should be done. I don't think that I have all the answers but at least my suggestions are a good starting point. If many of you would like to meet I would offer my house as a meeting place. Let's make it Monday Night April 12 at 7 PM. There is a board meeting the next night and maybe we could have a plan for the meeting. You can email me and let me know if you will be here. I live at 11424 Georgia, email phone # 721-1675
I also say to Coach Hall that is terrible that our Kids can't play in a tournament like that. I am interested in WHY????? Our Athlete's deserve better. I would also like to thank all of those who bought and sold golf cards we closed up today and the team made about $2200 which I hope to put toward the $5000 I need to buy as a digital video editing system as well as another camera to match the endzone camera we bought last year with the help of the booster club and the Piper Optmist Club.
Coach Tatro
Mike Simmons Thursday, April 15, 2004 12:18 p.m.
i will be going to school at Independence Community College
From: piper
fan Friday, April 16, 2004 9:02 a.m.
Congrats to mike simmions. Good luck at Independence. I agree that it's terrible on the part of the district that they won't put any money at all into the sports programs. Most piper people that I've talked with have said that they wouldn't be suprised if Tatro and all the coaches left Piper to go to schools where sports are valued as important parts of the school and disstrict administrators provide the money for excellent facilities at other schools. I ask all piper people that care, to drive to any school and look at their fields and gyms and compare these to piper's.
From:KC Piper
Jeff Sloan Friday, April 16, 2004 4:28 p.m.
Mike Simmons has been selected to play in the 1st Annual KCKCC I-70 Kansas High School Basketball Classic. Mike was one of ten players in this area to be selected and will play against a team of all-stars from Johnson, Douglass, and Franklin counties.
Good Job Mike and everyone come out and support him on Friday, May 7th, 7:00pm at KCKCC.
parent#2 (haven't posted for awhile) Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:21 a.m.
Not to be confused with the other messages that sign in as "parent". It sounds like that there are still a lot of visitors to this website. But reading the message by another parent who talked about the "great Piper teams for the past two years" got me thinking about how great those teams really were. Watching Piper play was more entertaining and exciting than watching the Chiefs or any other game on Saturdays or Sundays. I can never remember more exciting games than watching the Pirates play against Mill Valley or Tonganoxie. WOW. For others that have been leaving messages on here it would be nice to hear about your best memories of the Piper teams. Those messages would be a change up to reading how Piper administrators aren't doing anything to help our team.
From: Piper country
Piper Mom Saturday, April 17, 2004 8:17 p.m.
I agree with parent#2, while we still hope to have some things improved on; it's time for some lighter messages to read about for awhile. My memories of the past two years ... I became a real football fan watching our boys play during the past 2 years, the games against Mill Valley and Tonganoxie were very memorable games but my best memories of the past two years haven't been just one or two games instead they have been the whole experience of all the games and seeing our players improve as a team and begin winning. Their improvement was truly amazing. They have been very fun to watch. I have liked reading the messages here especially when the players sent them. It has truly been a great two years. I want to encourage others to leave their thoughts also about our team.
From: Piper
Fan of the Pirates Saturday, April 17, 2004 9:29 p.m.
My best memory was the Tongy game. What a game, the early Tongy scores, the violent hitting during the game, the fireworks going off at the end of the game before it was over, the long drive down the field with hardly any time left, and then Lipovac hitting Hamilton in the end zone with the clock running out, what a finish. That gets my vote.
From: Piper nation
Pirate Saturday, April 17, 2004 9:57 p.m.
Hey Students: We hope all of you who are attending prom festivities have a great time, laugh a lot and most certainly, be safe... Oh and don't do anything stupid either. Or really stupid. Or semi-stupid. Okay, you get the point.
You're a wonderful group of students, athletes, individuals and goofballs and you need to enjoy the rest of your school year and summer.
Go.... Pirates!!!
From: Pirateville
gee whiz, another piper fan Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:18 p.m.
Yes. Yes, I agree. The Tongy game finish was great. As was... every single game. We were truly excited. They were all great games.
There were memorable moments in the following games: ... all of them! ESPN-type of stuff - yes, in Kansas Toto.
The coaches, players, fans, parents, band, and cheerleaders were there... in more than body!!! Thank you for the entertainment, spirit and dedication that all of you put forth. It was more than worth the admission price!!
Pirates Rule!!!
From: duh, piper
piper student Sunday, April 18, 2004 11:33 a.m.
Not being on the football team but going to almost all the games for the past two years it has been really cool watching our football team play. The football team has been probably the best thing that Piper has had going for us.
From: Piper
parent/fan Sunday, April 18, 2004 12:19 p.m.
I tend to agree with "gee whiz" that all of our games were memorable. But to pick just one as the Most memorable for me. Without a doubt it would be Mill Valley this year. We attended the Mill Valley game a year ago and remembered how bad we got beat so approaching this game this year I don't know if any fan in the stands would have ever predicted this outcome. What a game! I remember the game being back and forth, back and forth between Piper and MV for 4 quarters. When Mill Valley scored with just under a minute left, I and probably every Piper fan in the stands thought "Oh Well, we ALMOST beat them. We stayed right with them for ALMOST the entire game."
But what happened in just under one minute was something to watch and remember. I'll never forget: Lipovac leading the team down the field, Angelotti making big catch after big catch. Fans were SCREAMING! The band was playing! The cheerleaders were cheering! Then Lampson made a big catch down the sideline, as time was running out. And then, and then, Lipovac finding Hamilton in the endzone for a touchdown. We trailed by one. Then I remember watching Lipovac racing to the corner of the endzone for the 2 point conversion and the win. This had to be the biggest Piper win EVER! The only win that could even compare to this happened just a few weeks later in Tonganoxie. Thanks players and coaches, Piper will never forget you. Good Luck.
another piper Mom Sunday, April 18, 2004 6:47 p.m.
It's nice reading these messages. I hope more people leave their thoughts also.
My most memorable part of this past season didn't come after a win and it's not even an exciting game. The thing I will always remember was watching our boys on the field at Baldwin after a very tough loss. I will remember watching them in the middle of the field after the game was over, hugging each other, walking very, very slow, and feeling very sad that their great season was over. It was so sad to watch but I know I speak for many in saying to all the players, our pirates, our boys, everyone parent and fan couldn't have been any prouder of you. I remember looking at other parents and fans who were standing by the track as the team slowly came off the field one by one. And as I looked around there were many other parents who were struggling to keep the tears back. Thanks to all the players for a memorable season. Thanks to the coaches for their hard work. And thanks to the other parents and fans for making everyone in Piper feel as close as we did last fall. I will always remember those feelings. Thanks.
From: Piper
Old Pirate Monday, April 19, 2004 6:12 a.m.
There are so many memories over the past couple of seasons no one can list them all.
For me though, it was 2 years ago when we were down big time to Immaculata and the boys went into half-time with a big "hill to climb. Whatever was said or done at that halftime sure turned things around. From that time on, Piper had what appeared to be a different team. They came out in the second half and beat Imac and from that point on they were awesome. That second half of that game, I think, set the tone for the remainder of that year and last year's team. These guys knew they could pull together as a team and be winners. They showed the fans and themselves what they could do. From then on out they played totally different.
That's the attitude they all need to have --- Don't Give Up and Good Things Will Happen!
From: KCK
parent#2 Monday, April 19, 2004 9:21 a.m.
I am the person that left a post just 2 days ago asking for others to leave a message about their best memories of piper football. The messages left during the last few days have been some of the best messages on here. I would like to see more people leave messages about their best memories of our football team. I know that sometimes players may think that they're "too cool" to leave a message but if they would leave their thoughts I'm sure that these probably would be the best messages. Hope to read more posts soon. I've been having a few other people at work read these messages and they really liked them. One person said, "Sounds like you had quite a team." YES WE DID !
Parent Monday, April 19, 2004 12:51 p.m.
I've been on here reading these messages already a couple times today (it's more fun than work!) and it brought back to me many good memories of our season. So I went to the 2003 Piper News section on this site and re-read the stories about our games and the season. What a wonderful season. I also hope some players will leave some messages in the Guestbook. Well my lunch break is almost over - back to work.
fan Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:05 a.m.
I like reading the recent messages.
My favorite memories of PHS football ... all the games! But also watching Lampson run, Lipovac pass, Hamilton catch passes, the defense hit, Simmons tackle, Julieano block, Myer hold, I mean block, Hargis improve, Anjellotie improve, Dulaney tackle, Shannen catch and run, Mosier's high, long punts, ....and on and on...
From: my desk at work
Mother of player Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:41 a.m.
I thought the players really played like a team. It was never the seniors against the juniors or the juniors against the sophomores. My example is in an important district game because a starter was hurt a sophomore Jimmy Burgess played and caught 3 touchdown passes. Just the fact that a sophomore was even thrown passes to by a senior was a true indication that the players were "a team".
From: KC Piper
Coach Tatro Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:11 p.m.
I greatly appreciate all the great posts on the site the last week. I of course have many great memories of the Pirates over the last couple of years. Many of you have cited these great things that has happened over the past two seasons.
Some that stick with me are the how everyone contributed in many different ways. It was not just the stars, it was every player at practice. The way "Rudy" Chris Harman would go after it with Ryan Moore or Mitch Myer or anyone else he lined up against. Making them give their best to make them better for friday night. How about Bret McAfee who played with a torn ACL at the end of the season but still came on the field and gave us perfect snaps on punts and PAT's. Seniors like Steve Ingram, Tim Green and Jeff Lechliter who did not play much but they still worked hard to make the team better.
Also I still have wall plaques from the last two years. Great gifts to seniors. Call or email me if you want one. Also we are buying a new blocking sled thanks to help from the booster club.
Coach Tatro
piper mom Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:09 a.m.
it's been nice reading these messages the past week or so. I've gotten on this site everyday recently to read the new ones. I hope everyone who gets on this site leaves their comments.
piper fan #3 Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:22 a.m.
My picks for favorite piper games ...1. Mill Valley 2. Tonganoxie 3. Imaculatta in 2002, 4. Santa fe Trail 5. Lansing 6. Perry lacompton in 2002 7. Bonner springs 8. Eudora last year. It was a tuff losss but the boys played well. 9. Lansing 2002 10. all the other games
fan Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:42 a.m.
With all these recents messages left on here it should be giving all the younger players an incentive to be working out.
FAN #4 Weednesday, April 21, 2004 2:09 p.m.
I agree mwith the message of "fan", all players must be lifting now with NO excuses. Even if their working or out for another sport. They need find time to workout.
My top games vote wouold go to 2003 Mill Valley and Tongie.
parent#2 Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:35 a.m.
a lot of good messages on here lately .... I've been coming to this site several times a day, each day just to read the new ones ... is it just me or are there other people that get on this site more than once in the same day to read the latest messages ... There probably will never be another piper pirate team like this one. I'd still like to read more messages fom players, parents, and fans so keep the messages coming!
One question that maybe some one could respond to and answer to satisfy my curiosity, do piper teachers and administrators even know that there is a Piper football website? If they don't know that this website exists for the PIPER football team then maybe someone, like a player, could enlighten them and know that this exists and give them this website address. They could then read these messages and learn how important this team has been to the piper people. maybe this would help in getting some things for the football program for improvements.
From: Piper
Fan Thursday, April 22, 2004 8:39 p.m.
It took me quite a bit of time to read the newest posts to this site since I was on last. The new ones are good ones to read. My best memories of the season were of course all the games and then remembering the big plays from each game. I agree with another message it was like watching ESPN. I also liked watching our boys gettting better each week. In a way the fans were suprised each week but then again in a way we were never really suprised. Everyone just started to know that we would pull it out someway. For those that saw Piper play in 2001 it was really bad. I hope it never returns to that.
Piper fan Friday, April 23, 2004 10:23 a.m.
ok my turn. MY memories good and bad from last three years. 2001 - terrible season, no team play, selfish players, offense was embarrassing to watch, I think we scored 2 touchdowns for the entire season, lots of problems on team. team was very hard to watch. poor attendance at games.
2002 season started out slow, lost first 4 games and on way to losing 5th, miraculous turnaround in 2nd half of Immac. game. Junior stars started to emerge, Lipovac, Lampson, Juliano, Myer, Moore, Hamilton after return from broken leg, Simmons, Delaney, Juniors became leaders of team.
Exciting 2nd half comeback vs. IMMAC gives Piper first win. 1st of Piper's last minute comebacks started against Immac. Lipovac ran 2 min. like the pro's run it. Lampson starts to be dominate running the ball and on defense, defense starts to play tuffer. juliano, Myer, Delaney prove to be very good linemen. Sophomore TJ Dorian steps up and gets better each game. lampson, simmons show they are big hitters on defense. Next game - Perry-LeCompton takes big lead early in game next week - Piper drives down field at end of half with 2 quick scores. Physical Tongy game at home - piper wins! Piper plays Lansing on wet, sloppy field Piper makes big plays for another win. (I missed Basehor Lin. game but sounded like players played hurt and when sick to keep win streak going.) Hiawatha playoff game- I believe first ever Piper playoff win. Eudora game atmosphere was like High school football was supposed to be. We took early lead but lost but it was exciting game.
2003 - Great season! Before Santa Fe Trail game no one really knew what we were going to do this year. We found out early. Lipovac throws for 6 TD's, Lampson runs hard all game, Hamilton shows he's going to be great in sr. yr., Juliano & Myer anchor the line, Delaney, Dorian, and Derman, grow better each game. Simmons plays awesome LB position. 2nd game at DeSoto (I didn't see, but sounds like we didn't play well) Bonner game- we started playing as real team, Great game by Lampson running and on def. Lipovac continues with pass offense. Hamilton and young receivers keep getting better. Defense shuts down bonner. Hargis steps up as soph.
Mill Valley and Tongie games. Highlights too many to mention. Lampson, Lipovac, Hamilton, Juliano show in games why they were piper's leaders. Lampson and Hamilton as tuff as they come. Memories of big crowds, of loud crowd noise, Will never forget last minute drives up the field. Lipovac was spectacular in both games. Textbook last minute drives. Lipovac to Hamilton for winning TD's on last plays of both games. Only bad part vs. Tongie was the extra point kick should have been made. Didn't need to go to overtime. 2 great games.
last few games of season similar to memories I listed above. I know I kind of rambled but those are the things I remembered. You guys were a lot of fun to watch.
From: Piper
Parent Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:44 p.m.
I also have enjoyed reading the newer messages in the last week. I too check out this guestbook on a daily basis. It would be nice to read messages from the players.
Coach Tatro Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:43 p.m.
One of my favorites from last season was the 52 second come back 75 yard drive in the in the JV game at Lansing. Garrett Weddle led that come back hitting Matt Paralee for a TD as the clock ran out for a Pirate win 30-28. Was that a look into the future.
7 on 7 will start soon with Jeff Sloan again coaching the Team . We will be playing at 6 pm on Wednesday. The first league is in June at Basehor and the other league is at Ward in July. We have some new coaches in the league, Basehor, Immac and Ward are changing coaches. Yes Ward is in the Kaw Valley next year. Desoto has left to go to the Frontier League. I believe that Mill Valley will leave soon too. We don't play them in Football the next two years because they go to 5A they are in the same District as 6A Champ Olathe North who dropped down to 5A. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of people. Next Year's schedule. Santa Fe-away, Bonner- home, Tongie-home, Atchinson - away, Immac - away, Perry - Home, Ward -home*, Lansing away*, Basehor - away** district games.
Parent Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:12 a.m.
Anything new to report on improvements for the football stadium and practice field?
Coach Hartshorn Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:43 p.m.
I would like to say, that I do not answer the kids questions because I do not want to start any rumors. Yes I am looking elsewhere, I do not have a choice I need a teaching job and Piper is not offering. As of right now I am interveiwing places but there is nothing for sure. I want to be back at Piper next year but that is really up to whether or not I have a teaching posion or not.
Coach Tatro Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:50 p.m.
I am sorry about making a negative statement about Mill Valley . I just remember two years ago when we had pulled our starters out and they scored another TD to make it 39-0. It left a bad taste in my mouth, but you are right I shouldn't be making any negative remarks. As far as Brock goes, he knows that I want him to coach here next year. I however do not hire anyone at Piper. I do not interview or recuit coach's. That job belongs to my bosses. I have also talked to everyone above me about my desire to have them back. Also I have been told that the board is looking into stadium expansion and that a report will be made at the next BOE meeting. Keep talking in a positive way to board members. They will listen. Also we got a new Blocking Sled with money form the School board and from the booster club. This will help us in teaching run blocking to our lineman. This sled is better to teach the way we block today. Our old sled was good for the rules twenty years ago when you couldn't use your hands. Again thanks for all the positive emails and I am sorry I went negative. I won't do that again. I also hope that we have the same coaching staff for many more years. Coach Lipovac is coaching with me on the Metro Challenge Staff. We meet with the team Sunday as we get ready to play Missouri June 17 at William Jewell. The game is on Metro Sports and 810 radio. We have 4 players on the 45 man team. Matt Mosier, Shawnn Lampson, Jeff Juiliano and Scott Lipovac. The senior Float trip will be June 1 & 2, so we are getting football going soon.
From ThePiper Pirate Nation
Fan Wednesday, April 28, 2004 7:42 p.m.
Happy Birthday today to Coach Tatro, I can't believe you are 58. I hope you coach many more years.
Big Purple Fan Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:21 a.m.
I have a couple of thoughts to recent messages.
First, I think it is great how people have been leaving messages with their favorite memories. This is a good way to keep the fire burning and not let it go out. These ARE good memories and I think we will have more great ones after next year.
To the player who lifts every-other day I would say GOOD JOB. That's what we need to hear more of but now take it a bit further. Carry that message to those who aren't lifting. Sure many of the kids don't have cars, but they know someone who does. I know most of the players on the team and I don't think anybody would refuse to help someone out in getting to and from the weightroom if they themselves were going. The trick, I guess,is to find out who is going up there on a regular basis.
Lastly, I don't know if everybody knows that for the past 2 years,coaches Warne and Taylor have had a conditioning "session" going on for a few weeks before school starts. My son has attended and from what I understand this is one goood, tough workout. I would encourage all the players to attend so they can be in condition before practice starts.
Lastly --- Happy Birthday Coach Tatro, and thanks to you and all the coaches for what you do for our kids!
Player Friday, April 30, 2004 10:46 a.m.
I agree with everyone that we need improvements on our football fields. I know last year we practiced on the baseball outfield because the practice field was all burned up. I mean can't Doc Bob spend some money on our football program instead of us having of us having to raise all the money ourselfs. If we could get some new grass, bleachers and a couple janitors that cared then we would have a really nice football stadium. And everyone player needs to be lifting, i know i am with a couple other people.
Coach Tatro is doing everything he can to make our football program better for us, the fans, and the students.
From: Piper Town
former player Friday, April 30, 2004 6:10 p.m.
Lifting needs to become your religion. Without lifting you guys will not be very good next year. I don't mean that in a negative way either. I intend for that to motivate all of you. For the excuses about the weight room: there is NOTHING wrong with our weight room. There are plenty of machines to do what needs to be done, and anything else you need can be done with dumb bells. Yes, it could be fixed up a little, but it is no reason to not lift. Also, for the excuses about not having a car: how did all these underclassmen get to practice and home every day?...PARENTS! If the players can't find a ride with a team mate (which shouldn't really be that hard), then their parents should get involved and pick them up from the weight room. If people made an effort to get to the weight room everyday like they do to get to practice and even school everyday there would be no problems. THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO LIFT!
Train hard.
piper parent Monday, May 3, 2004 9:35 a.m.
I hven't seen any new messages on hear for a while. There have been some really good one's on here recently.
I am proposing that since the seniors are graduating soon that we leave messages about the Piper senior football players either as individuals or as a group. This would be a good way to send them off.
From: piper
parent Monday, May 3, 2004 10:33 a.m.
Good idea.
Thanks to all the senior players for making the last two seasons so fun to watch. To Dulaney, Lampson, Lipovac, Hamilton, Myer, Juliano, Simmons, Mosier, McAfee, Soucie, and all the rest, - THANKS! All of you gave us great games to remember. I hope that the younger players have learned from you what it takes. Good luck to all the seniors!
junior Monday, May 3, 2004 5:11 p.m.
props to y'all seniors for awesome football season. Good luck to y'all next year.
player Monday, May 3, 2004 6:01 p.m.
I'm still playing, but we knew you guys were great leaders. To Scott, Shawnn, and Jeff all of us still playing will try to take your place to keep everyone else going amd to make the big plays. we saw how much you guys wanted league and state. To jeff Juilieano you were a quiet leader but all of us knew you worked as hard as anyone. To Aaron and Mike you guys were 2 tuff backers and we will have to make up for a lot of your tackles. To Mitch and Lance and Moore you guys worked hard to open up the holes and protect. To Matt you did a good job kicking. We'll miss seeing your war paint. To Tim G. Brett, Legs, Steve you guys helped make everyone else better. It was a lot of fun being on the same team. We'll do our best to keep it goin'.
From: Piper nation
e-mail: GOOOO piper
Piper Mom Friday, May 7, 2004 10:29 a.m.
I just watched the football slide show. It was verrrrry nice! I also liked the music in the background. It was just the right touch and the right type of music. Could someone leave a message and tell me the name of that song. I know I've heard it before but can't remember the name.
Also Happy Mother's Day to all the other Piper Mom's :)
Parents Saturday, May 8, 2004 8:17 p.m.
We can't believe that any high school team could have a better website for their team than this one. We both viewed the pictures in the Slideshow TWICE! It's Great! We just finished e-mailing the link that was on the top of that page to the site to relatives in another state who we know will enjoy watching this also. The music added to the pictures and made it even better to watch. Thanks for having it on this website. It was great!
From out of state relative Sunday, May 9, 2004 12:06 p.m.
Thanks again to the people that do this web site. Since we are in another state we weren't able to see our nephew play last fall but were able to follow the team from this web site. We earlier today received a email with a link to the pictures of the season and saw our nephew in the pictures quite often. THANKS!
Parent Sunday, May 9, 2004 12:54 p.m.
Just a wish to all the Pirate mom's to have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Mom of a Pirate Monday, May 10, 2004 1:37 p.m.
Just now saw the new pictures and liked the slideshow very much. To reply to the Piper Mom's question of what the name of the music was for the slideshow. I'm pretty sure it's called "Graduation". I think it was a perfect choice for these pictures and for such a wonderful group of graduating seniors. Congratulations to all the seniors that are leaving Piper, They truly will be missed by Piper High School.