No. 1 Piper Fan Saturday, 10/12/02, 7:51 PM
Awesome web site. Go Piper
From: Piper
Piper parent Saturday, 10/12/02, 7:52 PM
Keep it going Pirates. Good Luck the rest of the season.
From: KCK
Matt Mosier Sunday, 10/13/02, 5:53 PM
this is really good coach
From: Kansas City
Web Site: KSUcat40
Coach Sloan Sunday, 10/13/02, 7:03 PM
This has been a great year for piper football so far. We know that our work begins with Tonganoxie and ends as far as we want it to! Our program is back on track now we can keep it going! Great site and it will only get better. Special thanks should be given to Webmaster Lipovac.
From: Piper
Piper Football Mom Sunday, 10/13/02, 7:48 PM
Watching the past 2 EXCITING Piper games has been funnnnnn ! I can't wait until next Friday night. Good Luck, A Piper Mom
From: Piper /KCK
Former Pirate Football Player Monday, 10/14/02, 7:01 PM
Wow! Where was this type of web site when I played? I've been watching your games. You're playing well. Don't let up. Get Tongy Friday.
From: KCK
Kim Mosier Wednesday, 10/16/02, 6:01 AM
Good job. I think this is a great idea for all sports at Piper. Whomever is keeping this updated is doing excellent.
From: Piper
Kelly Moore Thursday, 10/17/02, 5:31 AM
From: Piper
Piper Super Fan Thursday, 10/17/02, 11:53 AM
Way to go Pirates! This is the big game it is districts so go for it!!!!!!!!!! Super web site!
From: Piper
Piper Parent Thursday, 10/17/02, 7:03 PM
Keep playing hard. Don't let up. Beat Tonganoxie. Good Luck
From: Piper Country
Piper Parent 2 Saturday, 10/19/02, 6:19 AM
GREAT WIN ! Go Pirates!
From: Piper
Fan of the Pirates Sunday, 10/20/02, 7:01 AM
I just learned about this web site a few days ago and each time I have been on it I have read new information about our football team. What a terrific idea to have a web site like this for a high school activity. A special thanks should be given to the person(s) who have created this web site and keep it updated so often. This is definitely better than waiting a week to read the football articles in our local newspaper. That paper has written some very NEGATIVE comments in articles about the football team. The writer must think that he's covering the Chiefs and not high school athletes. Keep up the good work on this site. And Go Pirates. On to the Playoffs.
From: Piper area
Ryan Moore Sunday, 10/20/02, 10:26 AM
This is a really awesome website. Keep it up coach. I know i can count on you! #31
From: Piper
Pirate Super Fan Monday, 10/21/02, 6:37 AM
Way to go Pirates. Now put your attention on Lansing. Keep playing hard,practicing hard, listening to your coaches, and you will reach your goals.
From: Piper
A PLAYER'S DAD Monday, 10/21/02, 10:33 AM
There's only one thing better than our team showing us that they can win. It's them showing themselves that they can win!!! They believe -- and that's a big step. Now carry it forward. Attitudes are high and so is the school spirit. It's long overdue. Keep up the great work players, coaches, fans and parents.
Piper Parents Monday, 10/21/02, 10:36 AM
WOW - Impressive. What company is doing this site for the football team? They can do my business site. We can't wait until Friday night. BEAT LANSING. Someone save us 2 seats on the 50 yard line. We are very proud of all the boys. Keep the season going.
From: KCK
Parent of Football Player Monday, 10/21/02, 6:05 PM
My son came home today (Monday) from practice and said the team did not have a very good practice. I hope all the players realize how important this game at Lansing is for you. Keep working hard. Don't let up. Play hard on Friday.
From: Piper
Piper Student, Class of '03 Tuesday, 10/22/02, 5:35 AM
let's go Piper!
From: P.H.S.
Coach Tatro Tuesday, 10/22/02, 8:13 AM
The person who should get the credit for this great website is Coach Ray Lipovac. Coach Lipovac has worked very hard for Piper football and has build this super website. Let's keep things rolling this Friday night with a huge turn out in Piper Purple at Lansing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOO Pirates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Piper
Piper Parent #3 Tuesday, 10/22/02, 8:41 AM
Coach T. is right. We need to get as many Piper parents, fans, and students up to Lansing this Friday night. Wear your Purple-show your Pride. Don't all of you want to be there to celebrate the District Championship? As many people as we can get need to be there. Support our team. Be there. Pass the word.
From: Piper land USA
Coach Hartshorn Tuesday, 10/22/02, 9:18 AM
Coach tatro is correct Coach Lipovac has done an Outstanding Job on this web site. Offensive Line This is it what we push the sled and work harder than anyone else for, control the line of scrrimmage Friday night and you will reap the benefits. GO PIRATES!!!
From: Piper
Nick Jobe Tuesday, 10/22/02, 12:30 PM
From: PHS
Parent/Fan of the Pirates Thursday, 10/24/02, 12:26 PM
Go Piper! Let's get a big crowd to the game. Support our Pirates. We love the website. Beat Lansing.
From: KC
PHS Students, Class of '03 and '04 Thursday, 10/24/02, 3:20 PM
Let's Go Pirates -------We can't wait. Beat Lansing! Wear your Purple, Show your Purple Pride
From: Proud students of Piper HS
Former Pirate Football Player Thursday, 10/24/02, 3:55 PM
You finally are having the type of season that Piper deserves; the type of season that my team should have had. You're coming together. I wish I was still playing. I would love to be able to run on the field with you. Just to get in one more hit, to line up and run one more play, get one more sack, celebrate one more win. I still think about it all the time. Soon you will be thinking about it also. And you won't be able to go back. Realize where you are and what you have. Not many Piper teams have been District Champions. But that's what you can be. Win for all former Piper football teams that didn't finish their season the way that you can. I'm proud to have been a Pirate - You guys be proud too. Go take it.
Coach Hartshorn Saturday, 10/26/02, 8:42 AM
Great win!!! District Champs how does that feel guys. Your refusal to quit no matter what the score or odds has paid off. Lets keep working hard and carry the momentum into the PLAYOFFS!!!
Piper Parent an Loyal Fan Saturday, 10/26/02, 10:54 AM
Congratulations to our football players and coaches. You all need to be commended for your hard work, especially after getting off to a slow start this season. Last night's game was another thrilling win. The LOYAL FANS are all very proud of you. We are looking forward to the playoffs.
From: Piper area
Another Parent Saturday, 10/26/02, 11:22 AM
Yes, I agree to the previous comment. Ditto.
From: KCK
Fan of the Pirates Saturday, 10/26/02, 4:26 PM
Great job Pirates, Congratulations. Keep it going.
Mom of Piper Player Saturday, 10/26/02, 7:28 PM
Good job, boys. We're all proud of you.
From: KC
Piper Stud. Saturday, 10/26/02, 7:45 PM
Queen - "We Are The Champions" I've paid my dues - Time after time - I've done my sentence But committed no crime - And bad mistakes I've made a few I've had my share of sand kicked in my face - But I've come through We are the champions - my friends And we'll keep on fighting - till the end - We are the champions - We are the champions No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions - of the world - I've taken my bows And my curtain calls - You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it - I thank you all - But it's been no bed of roses No pleasure cruise - I consider it a challenge before the whole human race - And I ain't gonna lose - We are the champions - my friends And we'll keep on fighting - till the end - We are the champions - We are the champions No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions - of the world - ---------------------------------- Way to Gooooooo -Piper Stud.
From: PHS Class of "03 ?
Jobe, Nick Sunday, 10/27/02, 9:19 AM
From: Wyandotte
Piper fan Sunday, 10/27/02, 9:46 AM
way to go Nick, good job Piper
From: piper
Fernando Rodriguez Monday, 10/28/02, 10:04 AM
Nick Jobe is my hero!!
From: Spain
Piper Parent Monday, 10/28/02, 5:20 PM
Good job guys. Good luck this Thursday. Regarding the previous notes in this guest book regarding obnoxious fans; they are right. Adults need to stop yelling at players during these games. There is no call for this. These are high school games. If anyone yells at a kid it better be their own. I'm afraid there are going to be fights in the stands unless the administrators remove these rowdy fans from the game.
Jobe, Nick Tuesday, 10/29/02, 9:17 PM
From: KCK
player Wednesday, 10/30/02, 4:16 PM
This season started out really bad and I was afraid that it was going to end bad as well. Practices were starting out just like last year. Nobody was putting in the effort that we needed to win and I don't believe we ever started putting any effort into anything we did until the second half of the Imac game. Finally I'm actually tired when I go home from practice becuase we know that in order to keep winning we have to work hard all week. I just wish we had realized that sooner. I can't wait to see how far we get this season and I hope the rest of the players are looking forward to it as much as I am. I want to thank Coach Lipovac for getting on us at practice all the time. I think those up downs really changed our practices for the better. Before you coach we never had to do anything like that, it was just go to practice and get it over with. You've done a great job with our offense and I'm glad you came to Piper this year. Hopefully the coaching staff doesn't change at all for next year.
From: piper
KC Prep Football Wednesday, 10/30/02, 4:51 PM
Class 4A District 7 The teams: Piper 2-0/+10, Tonganoxie 1-1/+6, Lansing 1-1/+1, Basehor-Linwood 0-2/-15 We got an e-mail a while back from a rather fervent Piper fan who told us to watch out for Piper. Well, the e-mailer was right -- the Pirates have won four straight games and have clinched one of the two berths in the state playoffs from this district. A win over winless Basehor Thursday will make the streak five and give them the district title.
player Wednesday, 10/30/02, 8:18 PM
Coach Hartshorn thanks for bringing out the sled and having us push it up the hill. Everyone should have do it next year it has helped the line win ball games.
From: kck
Mikey Mike Thursday, 10/31/02, 6:38 AM
Nick Jobe is awseome your so graceful on the field and Ryan Moore has to be the fastest kid on the field.
From: Wyandotte
Bad Brad Thursday, 10/31/02, 6:49 AM
Well boys, this is what we worked so hard for. Every tuesday and wednesday, everytime we drove the sled, everytime we stayed after practice. Now it's time for us to use what the coaches taught us and pull in another victory for the piper pirates. It feels good to win and now that I know what it feels like im not goin back to the way things were before. From now on teams are gonna remember the night they played the pirates. REMEMBER THE PIRATES!!!!
From: piper
BIG BERTHA Thursday, 10/31/02, 6:57 AM
Lets go big boy BAD Brad
piper player Thursday, 10/31/02, 6:57 AM
All of the players are grateful for having such wonderful cheerleaders at our games. You guyz have worked hard and your cheers are actually pretty good. Even on the really cold nights you guyz are out there giving it your all. Thanks alot!!
From: Mrs. Tice's P-1
Iris McKinney Thursday, 10/31/02, 1:20 PM
I have 2 nephews that play on Piper's Team- Ryan & Brandon Moore. This is a very good web site. I love it since I am not able to attend any of the games. Keep up the wonderful job:)
From: Mesa Arizona
a pirate Friday, 11/1/02, 7:37 AM
"what are we going to be - WINNERS, how are we going to do it - TOGETHER, 1-2-3 - REFUSE to LOSE" When Coach Lipovac made us say that after our fourth game of the season none of us really knew what it meant. Now we know exactly what it means.
From: PHS
Piper hotties Friday, 11/1/02, 7:53 AM
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooo Pirates! Way to go guys.
From: Piper High School
Piper dude Friday, 11/1/02, 8:11 AM
good game.another cool song on this site dudes. Right Now by Van Halen------- Don't wanna wait til tomorrow, Why put it off another day? One more walk through problems, Built up, and stand in our way ,ah One step ahead, one step behind me Now you gotta run to get even Make future plans, don't dream about yesterday, hey C'mon turn, turn this thing around Right now, hey It's your tomorrow Right now, C'mon,it's everything Right now, Catch a magic moment, do it Right here and now It means everything Miss the beat, you lose the rhythm, And nothing falls into place, no Only missed by a fraction, Slipped a little off your pace, oh, The more things you get, the more you want, Just trade in one for the other, Workin so hard, to make it easier, whoa, Got to turn, c'mon turn this thing around Right now, hey It's your tomorrow Right now, C'mon, it's everything Right now, Catch that magic moment, do it Right here and now It means everything It's enlightened me, right now What are you waitin for Oh, yeah, right now (Solo) Right now, hey It's your tomorrow Right now, C'mon, it's everything Right now, Catch that magic moment, and do it right, Right now Right now, oh, Right now It's what's happening? Right here and now Right now It's right now Oh, Tell me, what are you waiting for Turn this thing around ------- PHS class of "03?
From: Piper HS
Friday, 11/1/02, 8:13 AM
who are we playing?
Proud Piper Mom Friday, 11/1/02, 10:22 PM
We have really enjoyed wathing our boys play this season. The turnaround has been fun to watch. Sitting in the stands watching the games has been fun, but what has been even more enjoyable is knowing that our boys know what it means to be a team. The type of players we have on our team is why we are so proud of their success. Our son has told us many stories throughout this fall about the type of players we have on our team. Maybe others aren't as aware of what has been taking place. The wins seem even more enjoyable knowing what type of players we have. Our son tells us stories about the team almost every night. They are so fun to hear. In the game last night Scott Lipovack was so sick that he spent most of the day in the nurse's office. He could barely talk during the game but played the whole game and Aaron Dulaney the center called the snap count for the team. Jeff Hamilton has been playing the last several games with a broken foot and Keith mcKinley still practices with an injury from the first game of the season. Nick Jobe has his own fan club at the games. Every week the linemen go out to eat together the night before the game. Sam McCord's parents provided a team dinner for the team on Wednesday night and had t-shirt's made for the team. Jake hendrix has had a very good season and this is his first year playing football. The entire defense has come together to play so well. My husband and I get on this site all the time to read the news of our team. We would like to hear more about our individual players. Maybe some players could write stories about each other and have news that most parents don't even hear about. We like this site very much and would like to hear even more about our boys. We know they are all WINNERS. We are so proud of them. Maybe some of us parents can all get together to do something for our boys before Tuesday's game.
From: Piper
Another Pirate Mom Saturday, 11/2/02, 2:19 PM
The previous response was interesting. Our son never says very much, so it was nice to hear all the other things about the team and players. We are very proud of all the boys. We love this web site. What a neat idea. We also would like to hear more about the players. keep up the good work on this site. What parents are organizing something for the players before Tuesday. We're interested in helping but can't get it started. Some parent sign in and leave name and number so we can get it started. Or contact the coaches for suggestions. Let's go pirates!
From: KCK
Observer Sloan Saturday, 11/2/02, 3:49 PM
What a way to end the regular season. There are so many things I'm going to miss about the players, coaches and fans after this season is over. But I know that you guys can end this season four weeks from now, over Thanksgiving Break with a state championship. Take our extended season one day at a time and really think about what guys have accomplished and will accomplish. And tell Mitch that I have all of his, Shawnn's, and Cody's tackles down. Keep it rollin' guys, you owe it to yourself to keep playing hard!
From: The Dotte
Parent Sunday, 11/3/02, 6:26 PM
Ok, we want to help. Are there parents planning on doing something for our boys? Is so who do we contact. This is Sunday night. We're running out of time.
Laura Juiliano Monday, 11/4/02, 1:01 PM
Good info and format on this website. If you haven't kept up, you have enough info for us to catch up. Thanks for the great story of encouragement for our guys.
From: Piper
Proud Piper Mom Monday, 11/4/02, 1:03 PM
Good info and format on this website. If you haven't kept up, you have enough info for us to catch up. Thanks for the great story of encouragement for our guys.
From: Piper
piper dad Monday, 11/4/02, 1:58 PM
Great job fellas! You have brought so much pride and community spirit to everyone. It's your play / commitment and never say die attitudes that have brought all of us together. Now you have the opportunity to keep it going. Don't slow down and don't get caught up in the hoopla. Play your game --- once you get them down just pour it on. It can be yours for the taking. But you have to take it. The other teams won't give you anything. You have to go after it. Don't let up. Keep your intensity and focus where it should be. On the field as a team not as individuals. You are making your parents, fans and fellow students very proud. Be proud and stand proud.
Former Pirate Football Player Monday, 11/4/02, 4:12 PM
Although I haven't been able to be in the stands at your games, I have been there in spirit. And now, finally it's "Piper Spirit" and from what I hear it's contagious. Sounds like everyone in your area is getting a serious case of "Piper fever". And you know what - there isn't a cure for it. The only thing that makes it feel better is - more wins! Thanks for this web site. I and everyone else who may be located far away can actually feel like we are there (well almost there). Guys, you're living my dream, and you're living you're dream too. If you don't realize it, you will someday. Sounds like you have a great group of coaches- LISTEN to them. They will pull you through, push you through, believe in you, LISTEN to them. Their words will echo in your minds for a long time after you've taken off your pads for the last time. I love your web site, the music (We are the Champions", "Right Now")those were the perfect songs to have on there. And thanks to the dude from "class of '03 ?" who put the lyrics in this guest book. Go back and read those lyrics again; they describe your team. And the new countdown is great. It now says that the time is ticking down until the opening kickoff. Don't let the time tick down to the end of your season. Keep playing. Keep playing hard. I'm envious. I wish I could be on your sideline with you. Continue playing. I'm proud to have been a Pirate. You guys be proud too!
From: Piper area (God's Country)
Big Piper Fan/ Dad of Former Player Monday, 11/4/02, 4:36 PM
Great season men. I never intended to sign on, but I have to share a story with you that happened last night in the backyard next door to me while I was raking leaves. 3 young small boys are playing football. Tackle football. The boy playing quarterback keeps refering to himself as "Scott Lipovac", another boy calls himself "Shawn Lampson". So I stop raking and watch. The boy who is "Lipovac" throws a pass to "Lampson", "Lampson" is running across the backyard for a TD, and then the third boy, a much bigger boy, runs after "Lampson" and tackles him hard, real hard. The third boy gets up and yells "I'm Nick Jobe". I laughed and laughed. Just to let you know that there are a lot of little boys looking up to you. All of you are the heroes to a lot of young boys. Good Luck Tuesday.
From: kansas city
Coach Tatro Tuesday, 11/5/02, 5:23 AM
Special thanks goes out to all the people in the booster club who work the concessions stand at our games. It is tought because you don't get to see the games but your work raises money to help all our kids. The booster club money raised at football goes not only to football but all the other sports at Piper. I also want to thank Larry Hartshorn for keeping our stats and Craig Howell for helping him. Pat Shore for the last two years has videoed our games and does a great job.The McCords fed us last week and bought district champs t-shirts for the boys. I want to thank them for their kindness. I also thank everyone who has caught Piper fever. Go Pirates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Piper
Kelly Moore Tuesday, 11/5/02, 10:59 AM
Good luck tonight!!! The rewards for your hard work will be worth it.
From: Kansas City Kansas
piper lineman Tuesday, 11/5/02, 8:16 PM
well boys, we've won again. no team from our school has ever made it as far as we have and i'm sooo proud to be able to say that i'm a part of this team. i've never felt this way about football before. now lets get after it tomorrow in practice and be serious because we don't know how much longer we have until next year, or ever for you seniors. we have a tough game on saturday no matter who we play eudora or baldwin, but i hope every one plays the best they possibly can for the rest of the season no matter how long it is. lets try to remember that nobody ever thought we would make it this far, and WE DID! lets take that attitude into saturday's game and prove to everyone out there that the Piper Pirates CAN AND WILL play with the best teams in our state. Effort+Enthusiasm+Execution=OUR SUCCESS!!! lets never forget that
fan of the pirates Tuesday, 11/5/02, 9:36 PM
CONGRATULATIONS boys. No one would ever believe this season was possible - except you. Well done Pirates.
From: kck
Pirate Fan Wednesday, 11/6/02, 7:18 AM
Good job again. Congratulations to the players and coaches. Big game this Saturday. Keep it going. Your web site is awesomwe. I'm sitting here at work on Wednesday morning at 9:15 reading about last night's game summary. and reading about the scouting report on Eudora. This site is so much better than reading in our "local" paper one week later about the game. That writer always makes it sound how Piper was lucky to win. OK I've got the scouting report, I'm pumped and just "3 days, 3 hours, and 42 minutes, ... 41 minutes,... I'll be there, Keep it going.
From: Kck
Coach Tatro Wednesday, 11/6/02, 9:19 AM
The game time at Eudora has been changed to 7 PM Saturday. Go Pirates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Piper
Cindy Bailey Wednesday, 11/6/02, 10:34 AM
I think your varsity team's defensive coaches are wonderful! They've done a fabulous job -- keep them around!
From: Kansas City, Kansas
Megan Wednesday, 11/6/02, 10:39 AM
Great job pirates! Keep up the hard work! Good luck in the game on Saturday against Eudora!! Gooooo Nick Jobe!!!
From: Piper
neil pinkney Wednesday, 11/6/02, 4:40 PM
Nick Jobe is the weirdest kid I've ever known in my life and he has actually got more normal as he got older. Somehow...God knows how...he has turned into a pretty good linebacker. I am freaking out man!
Coach Tatro Thursday, 11/7/02, 7:34 PM
The Topeka Capitol has made the Pirates a 40 point underdog, Saturday night. Eudora will have a large crowd to try intimated us Saturday. I say that is it time for everyone in Piper to show up in Eudora Friday night and see the Pirates make history. Pack The House!!!!!!!!Be There!!!! Be Purple!!!!! And Be Loud!!!!!!! Remember The Pirates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Pirates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Piper
Coach Tatro Thursday, 11/7/02, 7:36 PM
Show up Saturday night!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I am just to fired up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Big "O" Thursday, 11/7/02, 11:02 PM
In the words of that famous philosopher Nick Jobe, "Get Er' Done"! You're going to have a big crowd behind you and you've got the respect of your community, coaches, administrators, and fellow students. Make sure everything is left out on that field Saturday night. All It Takes Is All You've Got!
Coach Hartshorn Friday, 11/8/02, 6:30 AM
40 Point underdogs. And David picked up the stone and slung it and the giant fell. Remember a little stone will bring the giant down. Men I expect you to win Saturday. Go get em. Coach Hartshorn
From: Piper
Coach Gibson Friday, 11/8/02, 6:43 AM
I just talked to Coach Hartshorn on the Phone and he told me to check this site out. This is awesome. I will be ther Saturday to Cheer you guys on. I have known coach Hartshorn for seven years and can not wait to see another team that he is involved win another playoff game. Play like coaches have prepared you and you will be victorious. I know coaches favorite saying if you guys dont is just win baby, SO JUST WIN BABY!!!!
From: Miami Oklahoma
Fan Saturday, 11/9/02, 10:59 PM
You guys all did really well to get that far this season. Even though you didn't win, we're still proud of you. Congrats guys.
From: PHS
Piper Fan Sunday, 11/10/02, 8:59 AM
Congratulations on a great season Pirates. It was fun to watch. Being at the Regional championship game was a thrill that all of us will always remember. Thanks.
From: Piper
Nick Jobe Sunday, 11/10/02, 10:00 PM
I just want to think everyone who supported us through the year even though is started off pretty rough. I also want to thank everyone for coming out Saturday night and supporting us when we played Eudora. It really meant a lot to us that all of you showed up to show you support for our team.
PIPER DAD Monday, 11/11/02, 5:40 AM
What a great game. Our guys showed Eudora and the people who dreamed up us being a 40 point underdog that Piper came to play. You guys don't have anything to hang your heads about. You showed everybody what you are made of and what a lot of heart and hard work can do. CONGRATULATIONS! This is something you will remember for a long time. Our size of our crowd was unbelievable. What a turn out for the team. Here's the big question. Why don't we get that turnout for all of our games both home and away? let's make an effort to be this impressive at all of our games. The crowd was definitely the 12th man on the field and you players need to know that every person in our stands was cheering for you and is very proud of you.
pirate fan Monday, 11/11/02, 4:07 PM
great season pirates. it was fun. you had a lot of exciting games. the whole community is proud of you. thanks for the memories scott, shawnn, nick, jake, ryan, sammy, steve, jeff, mitch, brandon, kyle, alex, thanks to all the pirates. remember the pirates? how could we not? it was great!
From: Piper
#75 Monday, 11/11/02, 8:42 PM
well boys we did alright this year...considering what happened last year...but im still not satisified...starting next year we will be ranked at least 16th but thats still not good enough for me i want to be state be feared mostly...also eudora was a good team, and i hope they go all the way...but i whish it was us instead...well 9 months till next season...all we got to do is "get er' done"
From: piper
marlo Tuesday, 11/12/02, 10:33 AM
The season game ball goes to Coach Dorian for coaching our awesome defense and making adjustments when necessary. He did an awesome job and kept us in the games to the end! Here's to you, Coach Dorian. Can't wait until next year.
From: piper
cool piper kid Tuesday, 11/12/02, 11:23 AM
This was a really fun year for the football team and the student body and all fans that attended the game. We started off the year only beleiving in ourselfs but when that Imac game came I think that gave us many believers. Now it is a tradition that needs to be carried on in piper that we will "refuse to lose" it is no longer and option. This was a really fun season and next season we will no longer be the underdogs in everygame we will be the team that carries on the pirate tradition and everyone fears us. Thanks to all of the students and parents that came to support our team on Sat. night i really don't think that we could have gone this far with out u guys thanks The pirates will be back and better next year
From: piper
Piper Parent Tuesday, 11/12/02, 12:28 PM
And another season game ball should go to Coach Lipovack for coaching the Piper offense. The offense improved 200% from last year and from the start of the season till the end. It sounds like he also got the players to believe in themselves. Other game balls should go to Coach Tatro for his organization of the whole program. He now has things going for Piper. And Coach Hartzorn and Coach Ash for all their help and support that they gave to our boys. All the coaches should be commended for an amazing season. And special thanks to all the Pirate players for their hard work during the whole season. They played hard. It was a great season.
From: Kansas City
Piper Student Tuesday, 11/12/02, 3:44 PM
Hey Marlo, another season game ball should go to "Observer Sloan" for all his hard work with our team. (Hey, who is Marlo?)
From: PHS
Proud PHS Junior Tuesday, 11/12/02, 4:40 PM
My first comment goes to the whole team...AWESOME JOB THIS SEASON! I have loved every minute of every game. I hope as fans we did your job! When some people got really down on the team you didn't listen, you kept your head up and stayed focused. You believed the whole time that you could do it and I am Proud of you all! To the seniors: You boys showed a lot of leadership. We will miss every single one of you! Thanks for making this season fun! GOOD LUCK IN ALL THAT YOU DO! To My Junior Boys: I don't know where to begin Though we had some injuries you stayed tough and made it through the season. Next year we are going all the way! Stay focused in the off season and keep working to get better. P.S.~From your guy's first win of the season at Immac my dad has not stopped talking about how proud he is of you boys and how he just loves to watch you all play. He said you all played one heck of a game against Eudora that no other team could have. HE IS SO PROUD OF ALL OF YOU!! (ESPECIALL YOU NEWT)
From: PHS
pirate booster Tuesday, 11/12/02, 6:39 PM
Wow! what a season! I just wish I could go watch you boys play another game. Our weeks will just seem empty until basketball starts. It was fun. I hope that there are a lot of football players that go out for basketball and wrestling and spread "piper fever" to our other sports. Thanks for making this season so enjoyable. I will always remember seeing the hard hits on defense and seeing our passing game go up and down the field in the Eudora game. We were close. Next year can't come soon enough.
phs stud Tuesday, 11/12/02, 7:41 PM
Great year guyz. It was awesome to watch your games. I like reading all of these messages. We hope basketball has a web site like this. I know of others going out for football next year who didn't go out this year. I want to know who is Marlo and who let him be in charge of giving out game balls?
From: phs
Piper Parent Thursday, 11/14/02, 11:09 AM
A special "Thanks" to all you coaches. You all have your own jobs to do and you did it well. I truly appreciate all the support and hard work you have taken to make our kids better. I hope they have all learned valuable lessons this year. The words of support and how they also need to lead each other was so great to hear at the awards ceremony last night. It was their time to be recognized and you coaches did a great job in doing so. We are so proud of their accomplishments and hopefully they realized that in receiving your kind, funny and to the point comments. Also, a special Congrats to "Get er Done". Thank you and many other guys for being leaders. Look forward to seeing more of that next year with all our seniors. Thanks again.... See ya next year!
From: Piper
Observer Monday, 11/18/02, 6:46 AM
Not out for a winter sport? Then, the weight room is where YOU need to be! Coach Ash and I will be there, will you? If you guys would just come to the weight room and put in some work you would find that you like lifting and you would be surprised with the success that you will have. Coach Tatro has a great program and it will be done the right way, so don't be shy. Get it done now so you guys can really get er' done on the field next season!
From: KCK
Piper fan Wednesday, 11/20/02, 7:16 AM
Is there going to be a basketball web site like this? If so, what is the web site address? This was fun to read. All sports should have a site like this.
From: kck
Coach Tatro Friday, 11/22/02, 7:33 AM
The Hightlight video will be shown at Danny's, Jim Hendricks place, at 7 PM Monday November 25th. We welcome all our fans to come an enjoy the replay of this great season. Danny's is at 135th and Nieman. We will also annouce the ALL -Kansan Team.
From: Piper
Piper student Saturday, 11/23/02, 8:57 PM
We like the addition of "Observer Sloan's" comments to the site. Keep the "observations" coming.
From: PHS
Marlo #3 Sunday, 11/24/02, 9:34 AM
Another game ball should go to "Observer Sloan" for his column "Just My Observations". How do you "observe" the outcomes of the playoff games this week. (Who are Marlo's 1 and 2?)
e-mail: www.gameballs'R
brittani ~alyssa Saturday, 12/14/02, 9:07 PM
hey guyz y'all are so awesome! you have all came so far!!!! next year y'all are going to go all the way. thanks for making football season fun y'all are awesome bye wuv y'all lotz brittani & alyssa
From: piper