The Bigger, Faster, Stronger Program is a total workout program that allows any athlete or student to make significant progress in all areas of Total Fitness. This program will improve strength, speed, quickness, vertical jump, and agility.
There are many teams at all levels using the "BFS" program. Some of these teams are:
Chicago Bulls Florida State U.S. Air Force academy
Utah JazzUniversity of Florida Army, Air Force,
Denver Broncos Notre Dame Navy, Marines
Dallas Cowboys University of Miami U.S. Olympic Ski Team
Chicago Bears Penn State U.S. Weightlifting
San Antonio Spurs Texas A & M Federation
Orlando Magic University of Colorado Over 7,000 Schools
San Diego Chargers University of Oklahoma Nationwide
Orlando MagicUniversity of Alabama Over 200 H.S. Football
Chicago Cubs Kansas State State Champs
The BFS program is not just a weight lifting program.
The BFS Workout Program includes:
- Flexibility
- Speed
- Plyometric
- Agility
- Strength Training
- and development of specific Sports Techniques
1. Weight training:
2 segments - Core lifts and Auxiliary lifts
Core lifts = Squat, Clean, Bench Press and Dead Lift
Auxiliary lifts usually involve only one muscle group and require less time and energy.
2. Flexibility program takes 10 minutes per day.
3. Plyometric program takes only ten minutes per workout. Done twice a week.
Records kept on vertical jump, standing long jump, and box jumps.
Agility - Dot drill takes 1 minute a day.
Speed and sprint work done with plyometric workout.
Time 40 or 20 yard sprints twice per month.
The BFS Workout program is done throughout the year either as an "in-season" program or an "off-season" program.
BFS Set-Rep System is a key to success of total program.
Sets and reps should vary between each workout.
The athlete must have a great attitude to be totally committed, dedicated and persistent throughout workout program. They must approach each workout with same attitude as competing in a game.
Coaches must be involved, organized and demanding.
All people must understand and use correct technique.
1. Parallel Squat and variations.
2. Bench press and variations.
3. Power Clean and variations.
4. Dead Lift and variations.
Parallel squat is "King of all exercises for an athlete".
"Running speed improvement of any athlete is directly correlated with hamstring development. To improve speed, the hamstrings have to be made stronger. Squat to the proper depth."
Techniques of the Power Squat:
1. Athletic stance.
2. "Spread the Chest".
3. "Lock in the Lower Back".
4. Toes pointed slightly out.
5. Eyes focused straight ahead.
6. "Sit tall"
1. Thumbs around the bar, not resting behind the bar- prevents bar from slipping.
2. Use wide grip, hands spread out wide on the bar.
Bar position on shoulders:
Do not place bar on neck or too high on shoulders Find "the groove" in shoulders to place the bar.
When taking bar off of the rack, is to start under the bar in a "solid, proper power position".
BFS Dot Drill
- Takes about 1 minute to complete.
- Do before, lifting, sprinting, plyometrics, or sprinting.
- Time twice a month.
- Do Dot drill 6 times a week.
- Work to increase speed in performing drill.
"A stretching program is done to increase flexibility and range of motion."
Stretching is done to:
1. Improve speed.
2. Increase joint range of motion.
3. Improve performance.
4. Decrease injury possibilities.
5. Decrease seriousness of injury occurrence.
6. Improve jumping ability.
Increasing range of motion can improve the performance of a thrower. Improving flexibility in the hip flexor area so a stride length is 2 inches greater may improve 40 yard dash time.
"BFS 1-2-3-4 Flexibility Program"
1. Stretching program takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
2. Stretches every major area of the body, especially the trunk, hips, and legs.
3. Each stretching exercise should be held for a minimum of 10 seconds, 3 repetitions each OR
30 seconds for one repetition.
4. The stretch is not done with a bounce but performed in a slow controlled manner.
5. Stretching should be done everyday.
6. Do BFS Dot Drill before stretching.
Stretches: (Specific information on stretches needs demonstration.)
1. "One on the bench" if bench is available, if not on floor or ground.
2. "Two in the Air" ( from standing position)
1. Latisimus Stretch - "Cross your hands and raise your arms above your head and as far back
as possible".
2. "Pectoral Stretch" "Cross your hands behind your back, raise your arms up and back. Do
not lean over."
3. "Three on the wall" ( Stretches performed while placing hands on a wall.)
1. Calf Stretch.
2. Achilles Stretch
3. Quadriceps Stretch.
4. "Four minutes on the Floor" ( 4 exercises from a sitting position)
1. Groin Stretch (Butterfly)
2. Adductor stretch ( with feet as far apart as possible, grab ankles or feet and slowly pull the torso toward the floor.
3. Gluteus maximus stretch ( pretzel)
4. Hip Flexor stretch. Place front foot two feet in front of back knee so that the front lower
leg is straight up and down. Place hands on knee and force hips forward and especially
down to achieve stretch in anterior hip area. Keep head up and back upright, then
switch after 30 seconds.
( This is the most important stretch you can do. This will increase your stride length.)
5. Abdominal Stretch. Lay flat on the floor, put hands on floor- shoulder width apart, extend
elbows thus creating an arch in lower back. Relax."
Do Sit and reach Test once a month to test flexibility.
Speed and Plyometric workout should be done twice a week out of season and in season and be part of normal practice schedule.
Speed and plyometric workout consists of (and in this order):
1. BFS Dot Drill
2. BFS 1-2-3-4 Flexibility workout.
This first two steps should take about 12 minutes to complete.
3. Speed training.
-Test twice a month in 40 or 20 yard sprint. ( 3 timed sprints, record the best)
- Sprint training workouts should last about 10 minutes. 5 of those minutes should be
concentrating on technique.
- Use BFS 8-Point Sprint Technique System.
- Concentrate on one form technique/weakness at a time.
11 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Speed
1. Sprint train twice per week, minimum.
2. Do 10, 50 yard sprints.
3. Get timed twice per month ( record times)
4. Sprint all-year round. ( In bad weather do 20 yard sprints for time.)
5. Use video analysis.
6. Flexibility training six times per week.
7. Plyometrics twice per week.
8. Parallel squat. ( Important)
9. Straight Leg Dead Lift
10. Learn the BFS 8-point Sprint Technique
11. Power Clean. To get an explosive start.
BFS 8-Point Sprint technique
1. Head should be upright
2. Eyes- should be fixed looking straight ahead
3. Toes pointed straight ahead.
4. Back should be upright and slightly arched.
5. Shoulders should rotate vigorously with elbows fixed in a 90 degree angle.
6. Wrists should simulate a whip action as shoulders rotate.
7. Feet should make initial plant directly under the hips and not out in front of body.
8. Forward leg- initial leg action is to lift forward, not up. The lower leg should hang before
9. Back Knee on the follow through or end of the leg drive, the back knee should be fully
BFS Plyometric training Program also takes about 10 minutes.
1. Phase 1
Do 10 quality vertical jumps. Do vertical jumps by a wall. Mentally measure the first jump and try to improve with each successive jump.
A minimum of 15 seconds should be taken between vertical jumps.
2. Phase 2
Do 3 sets of 3 successive standing long jumps.
Both Vertical jump and Standing Long Jump should be tested once a month.
3. Phase 3
Plyometric Box Jumps
If boxes are available:
1. Do 5 jumps from a 20-inch box and just land in a hit position.
2. Repeat the jumps listed above but this time recoil straight up as quickly as possible.
3. Jump from one box to the floor and then to the next box and repeat 5 times.
4. Repeat No. 3